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[韓語]紫雨林 (자우림) - MERRY SPOOKY X-MAS (2022-12-01@54MB@320K@KF)[複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6

68963 點
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發表於 2022-12-3 01:44 PM|只看該作者|倒序瀏覽


【專輯歌手】: 紫雨林 (자우림)
【發行日期】: 2022-12-01
【唱片公司】: Interpark. Co., Ltd.
【專輯語言】: 韓語
【檔案大小】: 54MB
【音樂格式】: MP3
【音樂品質】: 320K CBR
【存放空間】: KF
【失連時間】: 免空期限



“Merry Spooky X-mas” isn’t the sort of title you’d usually expect for a Christmas album. The album cover takes this one step further, with the three band members dressed in black in the middle of a forest with stiff postures and hard expressions. Jaurim vocalist Kim Yuna stands in the middle holding the head of Santa Claus in her hands. So it’s a Christmas album without gift packages or other ornaments, but Santa’s head instead. Okay then. Meanwhile, upside down at the bottom is the repeated phrase “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” from Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 horror film The Shining. Have you ever seen a Christmas album this bleak?

Merry Spooky X-mas is Jaurim’s first Christmas album, and as the title and cover suggest, it’s not your garden variety collection of Christmas carols. The band members have twisted the love-filled and hopeful Christmas mood into something dark and somber, yet simultaneously delightful. The album is subtitled* “The Tale of the Three Kings”, which comes from the storybook of the same name that accompanies the physical album. Written by Kim Yuna, this short story features the character Master Krampus, the demon who takes on the appearance of Santa to overthrow the order of the world, and the three kings who try to stop him: Myeongwang*, Mongmawang, and Heungmawang. Be sure to give a read through the details of this short but powerful story.

The album has six tracks, opening with the classic carol Winter Wonderland. The only cover tune among the tracks on the album, Winter Wonderland has been sung by countless artists worldwide in their own way since its first release in 1934. This version by Jaurim, first shown at a winter concert of theirs a few years ago, is unique among the other versions. Unlike others that sketch the snowy landscape as something pretty that makes the heart flutter, their dramatic reinterpretation that crosses into the minor scale evokes an unknown winter that is apprehensive yet mysterious. It’s safe to say that they have turned it into an entirely different song.

The song Spooky Xmas has a raging sound that clearly reveals the theme of the album. Take a close look at the lyrics for this one: “The one who spoke to me on that Christmas Eve in the house where I stood alone”, “The giant hand that gripped me; Maybe it’s not a dream”, “The dreadful one with red eyes and rasping breath”. It’s a horror you don’t even want to imagine. Pondering it in connection with the album’s Tale of the Three Kings makes you think that this ‘dreadful one’ might be Master Krampus himself. Krampus is a half-goat and half-human demon who, unlike Santa Claus, is notorious as a being who punishes and bullies children who have been bad. In a similar vein, Spooky Xmas is a song that stimulates the listener’s imagination and is sure to make the fans go wild.

Meanwhile, the two title tracks are bright and upbeat and aimed at the public. 'If it Snows on Christmas Day' is succinct and upbeat, for a song that anyone can follow and sing along with. Its catchy melody, addictive chorus and lyrics full of hope make it the perfect winter 'rock anthem'. The most Christmassy of the songs on the album is 'Mr. Klaus'. Jaurim has exquisitely expressed the universal grammar of Christmas music including jingling bells with these two tracks. “A world that’s gone mad is white only today / Happy silent Christmas” (If it Snows on Christmas Day) and “Whether it snows or not, I couldn’t care less / As long as you come that’s all that matters” are two examples of the particular cold yet friendly language used here.

X-mas Dogs with its use of the accordion is uniquely fun. This song works like a musical number, passing phrases back and forth between the members of the chorus to paint a realistic scene of the snowy dawning of Christmas day. The main character is a poor outcast dancing alone, who nevertheless cherishes the hope that flowers will bloom when the time comes...and that when the flowers bloom, springtime will be here. The definite highlight of this song takes place over a minute in the second half in a fierce run as the speed and volume increase following the song's message. The last song, 'Night Wishes', takes the listener's state of excitement and brings it to a state of calm. With the low accompaniment of the electric guitar, it brings the album to a no-nonsense finish as it prays for harmony and rest for all the lights, lives, and souls on this earth.

As Christmas-themed music and stories unraveled in a way that only Jaurim can, this work is a most welcome one. With their vigorous creativity and top notch expressiveness, they have put together their own carols in a way that you won't find anywhere else. In fact, Christmas doesn’t mean a guarantee of fun and happiness for everyone involved. Someone, somewhere will certainly be spending a Christmas season that is dark and gloomy. That makes Merry Spooky X-mas a perfect choice for a Christmas that can be either merry or spooky, or both. Released upon their first 25 years as a band without a single commonplace seasonal song, this album is like a gift.
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